Is the mindset for you?
The mission of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network is to inspire you to make your unique contribution to the world.
We do this by helping you to understand what the entrepreneurial mindset is and how you can use it every day in your work and life.
The entrepreneurial mindset is the reason why entrepreneurs are successful. However, you don't have to be running your own business to gain the benefits of the entrepreneurial mindset.
The mindset brings benefits for employees in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. It creates value for individuals, organisations and society.
How can you benefit?
Entrepreneurs enjoy success in life because of their behaviours i.e. the way they think and act. You can learn to mimic these entrepreneurial behaviours and use them to achieve your career and life goals.
People from all over the world tell us that there are many benefits to having an entrepreneurial mindset including: a clearer sense of purpose, more creative ideas, an openness to risk taking, stronger networking & collaboration, higher levels of job satisfaction, and an improved work/life balance
In a world that is increasingly complex and uncertain, the entrepreneurial mindset is a 'must have' and is much more than 'a nice to have’.
What is the Network?
The Entrepreneurial Mindset Network is an international community of practice for the entrepreneurial mindset.
Followers of the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network’s company page on LinkedIn come from 85 countries, and represent a wide range of careers in business, education, healthcare and social entrepreneurship.
The entrepreneurial mindset is relevant to every country and culture throughout the developed and developing world.
The Network can help you to behave more like an entrepreneur, and to make the best use of your existing knowledge and skills.
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What is a good definition?
Many people use the phrase “entrepreneurial mindset” in a vague or ill-defined way. To solve this problem, the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network has created an easy to understand, common sense and practical definition of the entrepreneurial mindset. What makes this definition distinctive is that it is based on 7 essential entrepreneurial behaviours. As an aid to memory, 1 entrepreneurial behaviour is allocated to each of the 7 letters in the word MINDSET.
Can I download the definition?
To support people all around the world, the Network’s definition of the mindset has been designed to be relevant in diverse cultural contexts and has been translated into 16 languages.
[DOWNLOAD] the definition in the following languages by clicking on the name of the language:
[عربي] [中国人] [Deutschen] [ελληνικά] [English] [Español] [français] [italiano] [Nederlands] [Português] [ਪੰਜਾਬੀ] [română] [Русский] [Српски] [shqip] [Türkçe]
How was the definition created?
The definition was developed by examining research studies that try to explain the success of entrepreneurs by understanding their personalities, skills and behaviours. In addition, we considered positive and negative perceptions of entrepreneurship e.g. ethical behaviour. Overall, the definition is both realistic and practical; the mindset has to be more than simple self-belief or wishful thinking. Therefore, at the core of our definition is the idea of taking action, being prepared to put in the hard work and being resilient in the face of the inevitable challenges of an entrepreneurial journey.
What is the EXPRESS eZINE?
EXPRESS is the eZINE published three times a year by the Entrepreneurial Mindset Network. Since 2018, the eZINE has showcased authors from 50 countries who have expressed their views and shared numerous inspiring examples. All 20 issues of the eZINE are available on the website Entrepreneurial Mindset Express.
What are the latest examples?
Volume 7 Number 3 of the EXPRESS eZINE is shown below. Click on any image to read the article. You also have the option to download a PDF. Thanks to the latest authors for taking the time to share their inspiring stories from Egypt, England, France, Germany, Pakistan and the United States. Use their ideas to reflect on your own actions and find inspiration.
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Access the eZINE archive
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How can I grow my mindset?
You can quickly understand what the entrepreneurial mindset is by reading our definition. You will find inspiration in the many inspiring examples in the EXPRESS eZINE . You can go deeper by using our Mindset Behaviour Analysis (MBA) tools. Our Entrepreneurial Mindset book is a step-by-step practical guide to understanding and developing the entrepreneurial mindset.
How can I learn from the mindset definition?
You can quickly start to develop your entrepreneurial mindset by using our definition of the entrepreneurial mindset. Consider each of the seven essential entrepreneurial behaviours in turn. Use simple questions such as do I meet real needs and what can I do to improve? All the behaviours are important but which one is the one you want to focus on and develop?
How can I learn from the EXPRESS eZINE?
You will find a great deal of inspiration in the articles in our EXPRESS eZINE written by authors from many countries and cultures. As you read an article ask yourself do you agree or disagree with the author? What do you find inspiring about their story? What action could you take? Do you want to share your own story in a future issue of the eZINE?
MBA tool
What is a Mindset Behaviour Analysis tool?
A Mindset Behaviour Assessment (MBA) tool is a free online tool that is designed to introduce the concept of the entrepreneurial mindset, and to support the choice of actions that will help a user to increase how often they use entrepreneurial behaviours.
People from 30 countries in Asia, Australasia, Europe and South America have used one of the MBA tools. Student satisfaction with the MBA tool is 98%.
What Mindset Behaviour Analysis tools are available?
The range of Mindset Behaviour Analysis tools continues to grow. At the moment a suite of MBA tools are available for use in higher education:
How can an MBA tool be used in the classroom?
An educator can use the MBA for students by inviting individual students to use the tool and then facilitating group discussions of the results.
For a fee the Network can supply a Value Added Report with invaluable anonymised data for a student group.
Download a mindset HOW guidance note for educators which explains how to use the MBA tool with students.
Now in its third edition, Anybody can use this book to find the inspiration that they need to develop their mindset.
Get your hands on this inspiring step-by-step guide today! It will equip you with the tools you need to achieve success in a rapidly changing world. Enikő Koppány, Hungary, 2023.
A well-written, hands-on book. The reflective questions at the end of each chapter are an excellent guide to help people change their way of thinking. Bob Bastian, Italy, 2022.
This clear, engaging book has made me look at my work with fresh eyes, giving me a new sense of purpose. Highly recommended. Carolyn Howitt, United Kingdom, 2020.
A very helpful book that inspires the reader, stimulates his thought and excites his curiosity. Roberto Brambilla, Italy, 2020.
How to read the book
You can read the 3 introductory chapters of the book on screen for free on Google Play.
You can purchase the complete book for the equivalent of 7.99€ on Google Play. This gives you access to 7 additional detailed chapters, 1 for each of the 7 entrepreneurial behaviours, and 140 self-reflection questions. You can read the full book in your web browser, and online or offline using the Google Play Books app for Android, iPhone and iPad.
You can purchase a print copy for the equivalent of 12.99€ plus shipping costs.
All purchases are charged in the currency of your credit card.
How can your organisation invest in its people?
Workshops are available to support a diverse range of professional disciplines at all levels in an organisation, including employees, new managers and experienced leaders. Workshop content is always tailored to the organisation's strategic goals and the participants' job functions. Use the contact details at the end of this page if you have any questions or want to discuss a bespoke workshop for your organisation.
What is distinctive about the impact of the workshops?
The workshops are inclusive, engaging, and impactful. Formal input is brief and to the point. The majority of time is spent in practical exercises, group discussions and action planning. The workshop ensures that each person understands how to adopt more entrepreneurial behaviours, how to be more proactive and how to use the entrepreneurial mindset to make a greater contribution to the success of the organisation.
How can your organisation gain accreditation?
E-STAR quality standards can be used by a Higher Education Institution (HEI) to self-assess its performance as an entrepreneurial organisation. Further, an HEI has the option to invest in a peer review which will generate feedback from a panel of international higher education experts. Finally, if an HEI satisfies the quality standards during the peer review, it will be eligible for E-STAR accreditation. This prestigious award offers a competitive advantage by showcasing the HEI’s entrepreneurial achievements to the international higher education community. [Download an E-STAR factsheet].
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